Regarding my latest post about Hillary, Jim V. writes:
What do we want? Equality!
When do we want it? Now!
How are we going to get it? Torpedo democratic leaders so Republicans like Mitt Romney get elected!
In one respect, he's correct. I am trying to torpedo Hillary. I don't trust her. Never have. And by nominating her, you're more likely to see Romney in the White House.
And why should we look the other way just because she's the lesser of two evils? She's blatantly lied about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," calling it a "benign transition policy." Tell that to the 10,870 military personnel who've been discharged since 1993.
When we accept "leaders" like Hillary, we get what we deserve. Some of us expect better.
Prior to "don't ask don't tell", those same 10,870 could have been discharged for being gay anyway.
It seems to me that your issue is that Bill Clinton failed to live up your expectations for progress and that Hillary Clinton failed to be sufficiently contrite for Bill's failure in your eyes.
Today the debate is not should there be gays in the military. The debate is should gays be allowed to be open about their sexuality in the military. That is progress. There is exactly one party to can take the progress to the next level.
Hillary Clinton is an imperfect candidate from many of our perspectives, but she is better than the least offensive Republican alternative.*
*Ron Paul isn't a serious candidate.
Posted by: Jim V. | 2007.06.07 at 01:30 PM