For the first time the leading candidates for the presidency will hold a televised debate devoted solely to LGBT issues. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards have confirmed they will participate. Several other Democratic candidates also may join the debate.
Sounds okay so far, except that the panel questioning the candidates includes Hillary lackey Joe Solmonese (president of the Human Rights Campaign, a bloated, ineffectual special interest) and humorless dyke Melissa Etheridge. Why not use real journalists, like "Atlantic" blogger Andrew Sullivan or Adam Nagourney of the New York Times? This won't be a debate -- it'll be a coronation for Hillary, sponsored by the petty queer establishment. Once again the gay movement has taken the lead in marginalizing itself.
Real gays need not apply. This is like having Rush & Sean host the Republican debate. Another hard hitting dem debate. Group think rules baby.
Posted by: Big Tom | 2007.07.10 at 11:15 PM