Listening to Bob Costas' radio show tonight, I heard the most agonizing twist of fate involving our current president and baseball's ineffectual commissioner, Bud Selig.
Guest Fay Vincent -- baseball's former top dog -- relayed a story about how George W. wanted to succeed him as commish. Selig had apparently told Bush he would support his candidacy, but Vincent warned him not to trust the former used car salesman.
Bush, who was then a general partner with the Texas Rangers, gave Selig a deadline because he was interested in running for governor. According to Vincent, Barbara Bush had tried to persuade him not to take on Ann Richards, who was considered a formidable incumbent.
Vincent was right about Selig, who wanted the job for himself. And Barbara Bush was wrong about Richards.
Think how history would've been different had Bush 43 -- a true fan -- become baseball commissioner. The game, and the country, would've been much better off.
Thanks a lot, Bud. we can blame most of the past 7 years on Selig, too? That's HOF material, for sure!
Posted by: Some Other Mike | 2007.12.17 at 12:25 AM
Damn you to Hell, Bud Selig!
Posted by: Seth | 2007.12.17 at 12:43 PM