indulge you some more? The YIR continues with a look at the month after April and before June.
*Remember the great Atlanta blogging controversy? Andy was excoriated for A.) having an opinion; B.) reaching the fairly obvious conclusion that "self-expressive blogging is a digital speculum that allows neurotic, self-obsessed people to cram their heads even farther up their own asses. I must have been born just after the Reveal Everything Online gene started appearing in every newborn American baby, because for the life of me, I cannot comprehend what drives so many local bloggers to "share" intimate and mundane information about their dysfunctional family relationships, their dysfunctional romantic relationships, the meals they've just eaten, and in one instance, a lost-but-not-forgotten foreskin."; and C.) not including certain aggrieved bloggers among his list of "five local bloggers who matter." More on this in an upcoming post;
*It is indeed possible for one to be unpatriotic;
*Charles Nelson Reilly is missed;
*TR Knight doesn't impress me much;
*What do Lenny Kravitz, Patrick Swayze and Paula Abdul have in common? Each secured a spot on the Malcontent's comprehensive list of the 32 worst pop songs ever;
*Bill Clinton believes in a place called Xenu;
*Conspiracy theories are just like Michael Bay movies -- ridiculously outlandish, yet every loose end is neatly tied up;